Business  Hours

Monday thru Friday

8:00 AM to 3:00 PM


McKean Township Erie County Pennsylvania
    McKean TownshipErie County Pennsylvania

Our Departments

Zoning Department

The McKean Township Zoning Administrator is Tenderrlee Little.  Please feel free to contact her with any zoning questions from 8:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m., at:

814-476-7414 Office

814-476-1257 Fax

9231 Edinboro Road

P.O. Box 62

McKean, PA 16426


Road Construction and Maintenance Department:
The Road Construction and Maintenance Department under the direction of Brian P. Cooper, Roadmaster, Ron Bole, Roadmaster, and Jeffery Brooks, Roadmaster, is responsible for maintaining all streets in Mc Kean. We have five employees who make sure that the approx. 63.51 miles of township roads can continue to withstand storms, rain, the cold, and the heat.

Contact information for the Road Construction and Maintenance Department:
Head of the Road Construction and Maintenance Department:


Ron Bole, Brian Cooper, Jeff Brooks

Phone: 814-476-7414
Address: 9231 Edinboro Road

McKean, PA 16426

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