McKean Township Erie County Pennsylvania
    McKean TownshipErie County Pennsylvania


Does your home have working smoke detectors?  You should install a smoke detector on every level of your home. To get your free smoke detector click here.



McKean Township is now using Savvy Citizen to communicate important news and events with residents.  It's FREE and simple for residents to sign up. For residents with smartphones, simply visit the Google Play (Android) or App Store (Apple) to download the Savvy Citizen App for Free and opt in to receive information from McKean Township. Those without smartphones can sign up via and select to have text notifications or emails sent to them.  Don't miss out on the next notification from McKean Township, Sign up for Savvy Citizen!

We  Accept Sewer Payments ONLINE!


  Pay anytime day or night.  Click on the button below and follow the directions on the secure site.


This is for McKean Township customers only.  Please make sure that you are not a McKean Borough Customer.  McKean Borough bills COME FROM Middleboro Authority.


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